Electrical & Electronic Engineering (UG): Departmental Academic Representative


Aditya Deshpande

Hey Everyone! My name is Adi and I am running for the third year EEE wellbeing and academic rep. I am keen on listening to your concerns and working with professors and admin to help improve your educational experience.

Jacob Larcombe

Hi! My Name is Jacob, a third year EEE student, and I have been an EEE Wellbeing Rep for the last two years. Many of you will know me as a voice always willing to help people with problems and answer questions. I am now standing to be a department representative to allow me to help more problems get solved and give you guys a better voice with which to improve your university experience. My focus as a department rep ...

Hector Oga

Hey everyone! I'm Hector, and I'm very excited to be your EEE academic rep and help your voice be heard this year! I promise to listen to every one of your concerns, feedback, comments, and more... We may be fewer in EEE, but that doesn't mean we will be heard less! My goal is to make 2nd Year as bearable as possible for all of us, and maybe even enjoyable hahah! We all know this is the hardest year and we're going ...