Business School (UG): Departmental Academic Representative


Jiali Huang

I'm Jiali Huang and I'm a first year EFDS student.My motto is: Empowering academic success, Empowering your voice, Paving our future path. - I want to create a comfortable and supportive environment where people will thrive and succeed! - Communication is key in this course. I want to be someone who is approachable and accessible for people to talk to and voice concerns/ideas over the course to make it the best it ...

Ginni Barattolo Ricci Saraceni

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Himanshi Gupta

I stand as your candidate for the role of Departmental Academic Representative, a position that demands both advocacy and action. I have been a public speaker and I have represented my classmates in various forums in my school years. With a deep understanding of the intricate blend of STEM rigor and social sciences unique to our department, I pledge to be your voice, bridging the gap between students and university s ...

Sindy Shen

Background: I am Sindy Shen studying EFDS year 1. Feel free to follow my insta: sindyyyshen ! Main Objective + Motive: My primary goal is to create an inclusive, friendly, relaxing and cooperative academic environment to drive academic advancements for the entire course by merging people with different strengths. Proposed initiatives 1. Establishing open discussion forums where students can freely express conc ...