Electronic & Information Engineering (UG): Year Two Academic Representative


Dhyey Trivedi

Hi everyone, my name is Dhyey! The first year of the course has made us all realise the importance of student feedback. As Academic Representative I would ensure that I am communicating with students effectively throughout the year to voice their feedback to the Departmental reps and relevant staff, in order to constantly improve your academic experience. Some of my priorities as Academic Rep would include: - Int ...

Dimitris Alexopoulos

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Rahul Ganeshsankar

Hello peoples of EE, What is the true meaning of representing and liaising. It's to be as nosy as possible. Those who know me will know how uniquely qualified I am for this task. I am interested in this role because of our reliance on our academic reps during the marking boycott. I would like to ensure that the information is delivered to my peers as swiftly (if not swifter) than last years reps.

Lolézio Viora Marquet

Hello EIE Year 2s! I’m Lolézio Viora Marquet and I’m standing as the Academic Rep for this year. This year’s supposed to be the hardest, so I want to make sure we can all stay on top of academics instead of drowning in them (that would not be fun). As the treasurer in IC DroneSoc I have experience working with the student union and know the internal workings of Imperial fairly well. Now I wa ...

Hrishikesh Venkatesh

As an academic rep, I will propose positive changes that impact us as students in day to day life, such as increased reliability of the AV system (although I understand this has been raised several times to no avail), improved resources for learning outside just lecture notes and slides, and more guidance for lab orals. As for lab orals, I personally have had poor experiences in them and the uncertainty surrounding h ...