Bioengineering (UG): Year One Academic Representative (Molecular Bioengineering)


John Kim

Candidate Manifesto "Caring for my classmates is the basic, and your welfare is the standard.'' Hello to all, My name is John Kim, and I am a first-year student in Molecular Bioengineering. I am running for the position of Academic Representative of the MBE to ensure that all students' perspectives and views are considered. Everyone's opinions are valued. As a new student, I have a fresh perspective on college m ...

Scott Allen

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Sophia Mok

Hello fellow Molecular Bioengineers! I'm Sophia Mok, and just like you, I'm from the Molecular Bioengineering department - home to the best type of engineers, who will eventually succeed without suffering from statistics, programming and receding hairline. Molecules + biology + engineering? One would’ve thought an 80-paged Student Handbook would’ve been more … comprehensible. But don’t wo ...