RCSU: Events Officer


Azra Naz Akinci

Dear RCSU members, I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the position of Events Officer. I am deeply passionate about orchestrating remarkable events that bring our community together. As your Events Officer, I am committed to creating memorable experiences and fostering a sense of belonging through these values: Community Engagement, Innovation, and Inclusivity. ...

Sharanyan Suthan

Hi, I am Sharanyan Suthan, a 3rd Year Theoretical Physics Student. I'm stoked to share my vision for the RCSU Society as your potential Events Officer. Let's keep it simple and fun: Epic Variety: I'm all about planning super cool events. From mind-blowing talks to hands-on experiments and stargazing parties - we'll have it all. No Nerd Card Required: Whether you're a prodigy or just curious about the unive ...

Temmuz Tumay

Hello I'm Temmuz Tumay, a first year physics student. I want to make the most of OUR years in university that's why I've applied to the position. During highschool I've been the head of the student body so I'm used to managing a team and giving up my free time to make sure people's voices are heard. Above all we deserve to be the best union and I want to help make the RCSU great again!