Aeronautics (UG): Year Two Wellbeing Representative


Ansh Waddon

Hello, everyone! My name is Ansh and I'm running for the position of Well-being Representative for year 2. Should you entrust me with your vote, my mission will be to serve as a compassionate guide, seamlessly connect you to the right services and ensure that assistance is received promptly and effectively. Here are some of the reasons why I believe you should vote for me: Connected Community: I strive to be a d ...

Daisy Xia

I'm Daisy, running for the role of Well-being Representative. As we enter our second year, the academic challenges in our course are intensifying, and I want to be your dependable support system. Your concerns matter to me, and I understand the increased pressure and stress that comes with our demanding course. It's a journey we're all in together, and I'm here to ensure that you have the reliable support you need to ...