Bioengineering (UG): Year Two Wellbeing Representative


Natalie Chan

Hi, I'm Natalie! You or may not know me yet, but I'm looking forward to getting to know you all (I've been trying my best as a molecular bioeng stream student). As we've all heard, second year is going to challenge us like never before, which is why it's going to be so important to look after our mental and physical wellbeing throughout the year. My goal is to help grow our department into a welcoming environment wh ...

Ewan Roberts

Hi everyone, I’m Ewan Roberts and I’ll be running for the role of this year’s Wellbeing Representative! You might be wondering why I’ve signed myself up for this role, and the answer is quite simple – I am passionate about people’s mental wellbeing. My own mental health has taken a bashing for multiple reasons, as I’m sure most of yours have, and a big cause behind this was ...

Anusha Ashwin

Hi everyone! I’m Anusha, and I’m a second year Biomedical Engineering student. I decided to run for Wellbeing rep for our course this year, as on top of having prior experience in welfare committees during my school and college years, I believe I’m friendly and easy to approach when you need to talk, or bring up an issue when you don’t want to ‘bother’ our lecturers or the departme ...