Biological Sciences (UG): Year Two Wellbeing Representative


Lee Obersteller

Hi! My name is Lee and I'm excited to put my name forward as your Wellbeing Representative. My main aim would be to ensure that the physical and mental health of us students are addressed and looked after. Here's what I intend to achieve: 1. Mental Health Support: Promoting mental health awareness and accessibility to support services. Making sure that everyone knows how and where to get help. Let's create a safe en ...

Zhengnan Zhong

Please vote for me (Zhong) as your Year 2 Wellbeing Representative, and together, we'll transform our college into a place where your health and happiness matter most. If you have any difficulty whether it is mental or specific, find me let's talk and figure it out: 1. Mentally nervous about anything, find me if you trust me, prob my alternative suggestion could give you a hint to solve your worry. 2. If you are ner ...

Devanshi Shah

Hello, I'm Devanshi, and I'm running to be your Biological Sciences Wellbeing Representative. As we delve into our second year at Imperial, the workload is intensifying, and it is critical for us to prioritize our well-being now more than ever. I understand there are many pressures which come with studying an intensive course at an institution like Imperial. I've experienced the stress and challenges firsthand, whic ...