CGCU: Sponsorship Officer


Advay Iyer

Hi, we are Advay and Anvita! Throughout our time at Imperial, we've harnessed a wealth of experience and expertise. With a shared vision to reshape the sponsorship strategy for CGCU, our primary objective is resolute: to secure pivotal sponsorships, fortifying CGCU financially and ensuring its continued success. I, Advay, honed my skills in event management and budgeting as a Hall Senior, directing standout events ...

Dimitris Alexopoulos

Hi, I'm Dimitris and I'm a 2nd Year Electronics and Information Engineering student.

Yiling Lei

Hey guys! My name is Yiling (like Ealing), a second year aeronautical engineering student and I’m running to become your CGCU Sponsorship Officer. With the experience of bargaining and negotiating with faculty members to procure extensions and extra tutorials as Year 1 Academic Rep, I’m thrilled to apply my negotiation and persuasion skills in the interests of the CGCU. My natural friendliness, wittiness ...