Live Music: Secretary


Zack Childs

Hiya! I’m Zack, a biochemistry undergraduate. I’m also a bassist, guitarist, and singer-songwriter at ICL. You may see me playing guitar for my band, Petrichor, or in open-mic nights around London. LMS needs nothing more than to run smoothly so that people feel welcome, informed, and well supported with any queries they have for the society. Whether you dream of becoming the next music legend, or just fe ...

Muse Or

Hi, I am Muse, a third year Bsc Earth Science student. I love rock music and I have been to the live music society events several times last year. I love the society as the vibe is so chill and everyone is so nice. I would like to contribute to the society by taking up the role of the secretary. My experience as the secretary of the energy society last year makes me a good candidate for the role. If elected, I plan t ...