Investment: President


Madeleine Schmittenberg

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Kai Ye

[NOTE] This is a standing for the Vice President role Who Am I? > 3rd year computer science student > A person who would like to help you navigate your way into finance (from total scratch) What have I done? > Offer holder for 24' investment banking summer analyst at UBS > Investment banking summer analyst at Santander (M&A, TMT) > Insight week offer holder for: Bank of America, UBS, HSBC, R ...

Lasen Wanni Arachchige

As an experienced committee member of the Investment Society, serving as Head of Events, I am thrilled to reflect on the past year and the transformative time we've had. Notably, the society received the Top Grad Gold award for the Best Finance/Business society in the UK, hosted 14 external industry events, and developed QT Capital into a fully functioning student fund. Through my role, I’ve seen first-hand t ...