Robotics Academy: Webmaster


Yin Xian Liang

Greetings! I am Yin Xian, a final-year Computing student. As a software developer aspiring to contribute to purposeful social impact especially in education technology, I was drawn to the Robotic Academy's mission in empowering underrepresented communities through STEM and robotics. Hence, I wish to take on the role of Webmaster, utilising the society's website to enhance interactivity with different users on the pla ...

Yuvan Chikka

Assuming Webmaster is someone who manages coding a website or something like that. If not then probably don't vote for me? I'm not a good person if you're looking for someone to manage social media. Can code in Flask, Django frameworks using Vanilla JS, CSS3 and HTML5. Can use MySQL, PostgreSQL, MsSQL and SQLite.