Photosoc: Equipment Manager


Gavin Xie

In the world of photography, I firmly believe that each person is the master of their own unique art, which can be nurtured and refined over time. The Photo Society serves as a wellspring of passion and skill, nurturing the growth of this art. I wish to bring joy to all who engage in photography, which is at the forefront of my mission. I am dedicated to enhance a welcoming and inclusive community where everyone, re ...

Ka Yeon Kim

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Mason Liu

Hello everyone! I am Mason, a second-year ChemEng student. I joined Photosoc in my first year with no experience at all. Hanging around the darkroom and attending many Photosoc events in the last academic year has made me quite familiar and confident with film development, printing, and the equipment used in these processes. I used to shoot both digital and film, but increasingly I find myself enjoying film more jus ...