Project Nepal: Co-President


Prateek Sunkavalli

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Abhinav Sathyamurthy

Hello Everyone!!! My name is Abhinav, I'm a 4th Year Medic and 2 yrs ago I went to Nepal to carry out research in the Tsum Valley. From this experience, I learnt the difficulties of accessing healthcare and lack of infratucture in the mountain villages. Thus, I joined Project Nepal last year to help out with this cause; I participated in cake bake sales and ran a marathon in the summer to raise money. This was a gre ...

Kiara Rao

Hello, I'm Kiara, and I participated in Project Nepal last year, dedicating 4 weeks of my summer to volunteer at Maya Universe Academy. This experience has equipped me with the skills and passion needed to run for co-chair within our society. As the Charity Officer for Project Nepal last year, I organised various successful events, such as samosa sales and cake sales, and developed ideas that can guide the current f ...