Plastic Surgery: RTS Conference Chair


Jeong Yoon

Hi! I’m Joy, a third-year medical student running for co-Chair of RTS 2024 with Chelsea. As someone with a long-standing interest in Plastics, I am glad to apply for the opportunity to learn more about the field. I have a background in Biological Sciences and have extensive experience networking with researchers and surgeons. I also served as the secretary of Korean Society, where I organised and promoted even ...

Iihan Ali

Hello, my name is Iihan and I am a 4th year medical student. As a member of iPRAS, I am thrilled to present my manifesto for the role of the RTS Conference Chair. My journey in leadership commenced as the current President of ICSM's Oncology Society, where I honed my skills in managing events and fostering a sense of unity among members. Additionally, my involvement in organising the MedTech Conference, including ca ...