Aeronautics (UG): Year Four Wellbeing Representative


Claire Namuroy

Hi everyone, I hope fourth year is treating you well. I decided to run as I noticed that the position was vacant and I strongly believe in the importance of sharing our concerns and feedback with the Department. As a final-year student returning from an exchange year overseas, I can appreciate the challenges of re-adapting to the study environment at Imperial. I am also very familiar with the conflicting priorities ...

Jayden Ting

Hello there Fourth Years! My name is Jayden Ting, and for those of you who don't know me, I am one of the twins. And I feel that I am in a great opportunity to represent you fourth years, because of the fact that I am just like you. I suffer the same issues with the course. And despite we do different optional modules, I make it my mission to try and find out how various people are doing in the course. And if electe ...