Photo of Lihan Yang

Lihan Yang

CGCU: Guildsheet Editor

First-year in Joint Mathematics and Computer Science. Enjoys reading, writing, and talking to people. Currently a picky copyeditor at Felix.

This is Guildsheet, City & Guilds' magazine. So I am running with one theme: Quality – quality in topics, quality in articles, quality in designs.

Relevant topics

I will scope the magazine on topics our engineers all care about. These include:

  • Updates on careers and research
  • Stories of inspirational students & alumni
  • Voices from our members on academics and wellbeing
  • Introduction to upcoming social events

In short, there will be at least one article to jump to from the content page for every engineer at Imperial.

Readable articles

Guildsheet will keep publishing exceptional stories by exceptional writers. To ensure this, there will be:

  • Emphasis on the flow of language in proofreading
  • Delibrate management of styles and tones
  • Inclusive and neutral vocabulary
  • More recognition for our writers

Most importantly, there will be absolutely no lame jokes. Not on my watch.

Refined designs

I will maintain a high standard of visual appeal in CGSU's publication, by measure including:

  • Introduction of a Guildsheet house style
  • Texts in serif fonts
  • Standardised logo on the cover page

Every Guildsheet reader should feel comfortable reading it, and comfortable reading it in public.

Next time someone picks up Guildsheet, this should be the reaction:

Ah, THAT's what I expect from the constituent union at Imperial College with the longest heritage.

And that's my goal.