Ethics & the Environment: Campaigns Officer


Simran Patel

Joint nomination: Simran Patel and Evie Wright Hi! We're Simran, a final year biology student, and Evie, a final year computing student. We worked together on the Environmental Society committee last year and want to continue some of the campaigns we started by sharing the role of ICU Eth/Env campaigns officer! As campaigns officers we will work towards - reducing disposable food packaging in campus and union food ...

Elyse Wu

Hi, I am Elyse, a second-year Biomedical Engineering student. I enjoy playing a wide range of sports (volleyball, hockey, badminton, hiking), and am a foodie :) Drawing upon my experience as the co-founder of a joint-school science magazine with 1000+ readers, where I managed a large network of student writers and graphic designers across 3 schools internationally, I have learnt the importance of effective communic ...