Photo of Ivy Xue

Ivy Xue

Deputy President (Finance & Services)

hi everyone!

i’m ivy, a biological sciences student and i'm running for DPFS this year.

as the current BioSoc treasurer, i am familliar with the financial processes (and all the woes around annual budgeting....) surrounding CSPs. so not only will i be capable of securing sponsorship and financial management, but also in improving the process for commitee members running CSPs. in turn, this will benefit the entire student body at imperial as what's the point of having 380+ societies if they're hard to run or underfunded?!?!?

my involvement in the union as a CSP principal officer, ICU Venues staff and a member of various CSPs (just like you!) have given me many different perspectives on what students want. i work closely with fellow students so rest assured i have an in-touch idea of what students need and expect from imperial.

my formal roles have made me a proactive and dilligent individual with very strong teamwork and organisational skills. furthermore, i'd like to use this position to advocate for sustainability initiatives to reduce our impact for the benefit of future generations of imperial students

thanks for reading my manifesto :))