Photo of Stefaniia Medvetskaia

Stefaniia Medvetskaia

RCSU: Vice President (Welfare & Wellbeing)

Hello beautiful people <3.

I am Steph (she/they), a second year chemistry student and your current Vice President (Activities) for RCSU.

In my roles of RCSU VPA, Helpdesk assistant as well as a Liberation and Community Network Welfare Officer, I have gained a deep insight into how the union is run and have established many connections that place me in the bset position to streamline any Welfare changes I will be working on.

In my few months as VPA, I have already:

  • Planned and organised postgraduate-only events, as part of RCSU’s aim to increase postgraduate engagement.
  • Fostered our alumni connections.
  • Continued to spread RCSU’s publicity in emails and on Instagram.
  • Planned the upcoming Puppy Therapy event and a club night collaboration with CGCU, LSE and UCL!
  • Worked on the Science Challenge with our amazing VPO and President!

As next year’s VPW I will:

  • Continue working with alumni to establish a mentoring scheme and talks for RCSU students (I have already begun the discussion).
  • Continue working with the departmental wellbeing reps as well as on expanding the hardship fund.
  • Keep up the amazing standard for the Welfare week events set by Julia this year.
  • Continue working on the Sexual Misconduct Awareness campaign that I am already discussing with the Deputy President (Welfare).
  • Most importantly, always listen to your thoughts and opinions and ensure every voice is heard and amplified!

I would be absolutely honoured to be your VPW next year!

Thank you <3.