Jemima Russell
Hello, I’m Jemmy. Being on various committees I've gained lots of knowledge of finances and seen complaints from CSPs. As MGT I'd work on trying to fix these:
-redesign financial booklet, create a PDF to teach members how to submit claims, (optional) summer training + instagram 'how-to' finance posts
-make excel templates for event/ trip budgets, running costs + annual budgets
-send a survey to current CC’s/treasurers for changes they'd like
-work with ADF board to provide funding to clubs for unexpected expenses
-easier access to union credit card if POs aren't accepted
-bring applepay to union website
-daily eactivities approvals
Arts (I'm HWD chair so have a role in supporting band coordinators/ treasurer):
-raise issues involving IC clubs control on AV/lighting with CSPB board- hope to limit charges for ICSM clubs using this equipment
-work with clubs/ ADF to split costs of purchasing this type of equipment for ICSM clubs free access
Volunteering (I’m RTP treasurer/ RAG committee):
-Streamline budget approvals for yearly events for quicker organisation
-Try to bring back card machines for on the door
Sports (I’m netball treasurer/ have been team captain):
-Work on allowing captains to borrow up to 2 weeks of umpire payments to be paid back at the end of the year- will stop captains being £100+ down whilst waiting for claims
-Provide advice on minibus renting to limit transport costs
-Ensure quick approval for contracts/ sponsorships for easy event planning
-Create a sponsoship template so can be personalised/ sent