Photo of Alexia Thill

Alexia Thill

Chemical Engineering (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative

Hey guys it’s Alexia, I am a French, second year undergraduate and your current wellbeing dep rep :).

Firstly, thank you for letting me be well-being rep once : what a year ! I loved working with Eghosa to provide you with a better student experience (apparently free snacks and coffee are one of the pillars to chemeng students sanity), sending disrespectful amounts of motivational messages, hearing about your thoughts and feelings and discovering many bright, kind and beautiful humans. My year is not over (be prepared to be pampered around exam season eheh), but I’ve realized I want to do more ; I still love our department and I want to continue making our experience here as smooth and joyful as possible. Enough yapping, here are some things I want to work on next year :

-Comfort : more free snacks, making the chemeng study and breakout rooms nicer (did somebody say fusball ?)

-Facilities : implementing a reporting system throughout chemeng buildings to flag up defects easily and get the problems fixed (no more broken plugs)!

-Events : working closely with Chemengsoc to throw casual (or not) events in which we can forget about chemeng !

-Community & Support : Stay vigilant regarding disrespectful behaviours, (from student or professors 👀), working closely with Eghosa to raise mental health awareness and be there for you during tough times. I’ll communicate your concerns and complaints to the department : I want you to be heard, understood and supported.

And I’ll also bring vibes :)

Vote for me 🌱
