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Josephine Onerhime

RSMU: Outreach Officer

Dear Royal Miners,

I'm Jojo, your previous RSM President and RSM Vice President of Activities & Events and running to be your outreach officer!
After two years on RSM committee, I know there’s so much history within the RSM and I want to work with the committee, RSM alumni and Imperial College archives to showcase this to the world.
Pictured behind me you’ll see Clem, our vintage motor mascot, which most of you may know but have probably never seen, and I want to change that, and allow everyone can enjoy the rich history that we all share.

I feel it’s never too soon to introduce primary and secondary school kids to the earth, planetary and materials science which shapes the world around us, and I want to create as many opportunies as possible for them to get an insight into what it is to be a scientist and an engineer!
So vote for Jojo for outreach officer!

RSM Love,
Jojo xoxo