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Marcus Merene

Kendo: Vice President

Dear Kendo Club Members,

I am honored to step forward as a candidate for the role of Vice President, driven by a deep passion for Kendo and a vision to strengthen our club's bonds and elevate our collective skills.

1. Collaborative Leadership: As Vice President, I envision a leadership style grounded in collaboration. I will actively seek input from every member, valuing diverse perspectives to shape the direction of our club. By fostering an inclusive environment, we can collectively work towards achieving our shared goals.

2. Skill Enhancement Programs: Our journey in Kendo is a continuous pursuit of excellence. I propose the implementation of skill enhancement programs, including workshops, coaching sessions, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Together, we can refine our techniques and elevate the overall proficiency of our club.

3. Inclusive Events and Initiatives: To strengthen the sense of unity among members, I will organize inclusive events and initiatives. These will not only celebrate our shared passion for Kendo but also provide opportunities for social bonding, creating a supportive community that extends beyond the dojo

In conclusion, I stand as a candidate ready to dedicate my energy and enthusiasm to the growth and unity of our Kendo Club. Vote for a Vice President committed to forging unity, elevating excellence, and ensuring that every member finds fulfillment in their Kendo journey.


Marcus Candidate for Vice President, Kendo Club