Photo of Dawson La

Dawson La

Materials: President

TL;DR Vote Dawson La for president!

Hi! My name is Dawson and I currently hold matsoc’s presidency position.

Jumping into this role from the start of second year, myself and my committee have successfully:

  • Increased engagement at our events (freshers, staff, postgrads, MSc)
  • Released awesome merch
  • Built a new website and maintained social media presences
  • Reached out to new companies, maintaining relationships with existing connections
  • Planned a sick industry trip for next term (keep your eyes peeled!👀🍌)

Personally, I’ve also reached out to matsoc committees across the country, successfully building links with Oxford, Swansea and Manchester! We're planning some big things, and hope to start a community between the matsocs.

I also have great relationships with staff and the RSMA, which is vital for securing funding so that we can subsidise our events. I hope to continue strengthening these.

Although we’ve achieved so much, I think what’s more important to look at for the next year are our mistakes. As a young committee, we’ve made plenty! Now, we have the necessary experience to improve even more! I have plenty of personal notes to work on, too (yes, I know I’m terrible at public speaking 😐).

If I’m president next year, I hope to:

  • Gain more sponsors over the Summer holidays (the vital time to do this)☀️
  • Hold an even cooler annual dinner, at a better venue while keeping the prices low🍽️
  • Having an in-person industry trip with the mentioned matsocs🔀
  • Hold more awesome lunchtime lectures🎓

Thanks for reading!
