Photo of Bryony Lanigan

Bryony Lanigan

Orchestra - Sinfonietta: Chair

Hello Sinfo! I am Bryony, your current 2023/24 Chair and I am standing for re-election.

This year has been a good one for Sinfo - we held a successful weekend away to Bath, we've organised a tour to Zaragoza, Spain for this year (I'm especially excited here, since this is my first ever music tour !), and we had a fantastic Winter concert with over 200 people attending !!! While I cannot take all of the credit for this - I have a fantastic committee who have done a fantastic job organising things - I believe my leadership has helped make the year as successful as it has been so far.

I have also led the search for a new conductor, sorting through almost 50 applications, interviewing and auditioning and finally selecting (in collaboration with you all) next year's MD, Thomas Goff. This is one of the reasons why I think I should remain as Chair, to allow for some consistency as Bill, our conductor of 12 years, leaves. My experience will enable me to support Thomas as he picks up the reins.

Whatever happens, I love making music with you all, and will continue to stand at the back, with my silly huge instrument, and play my best - but I'd love to do that as your leader.