Metal: Chair/President/Captain


Geraint Eickermann

As Secretary of Metalsoc this year I helped vsher in a new golden age for metalheads at Imperial. Vnder the leadership of this year's comittee, ovr tribe saw many victories: - Regvlar (almost weekly) events, including pvb nights, gigs, and film nights - A record SIX metal bands in LMS Battle of the Bands, with two making it to the final - The creation of a thriving commvnity for riffmvnchers of all kinds! - Gain ...

Ekaterina Kirina

Hey! Many of you know me already, but for the newcomers, my name is Kate, and I was on the Metal Society committee in 2023-2024. We had an amazing year full of fun and achievements - we rebuild the society, created and gathered community, got our debt forgiven, went to numerous gigs toghether, started moshpits at uni events, supported our own metal scene, and we even got one metal band into the finals of Battle of ...