DoCSoc: President


Robbie Buxton

Elect Robbie Buxton for DocSoc President Championing Tradition, Leading with Integrity Preserve Our Heritage. Command Our Future. In a time of pivotal change at Imperial College London, the importance of steadfast leadership and visionary planning has never been more critical. My name is Robbie Buxton, and I stand before you, not just as a candidate for DocSoc President but as a committed advocate for our shared le ...

Muhammad Mohsin Thalaiyur Mohammad Rayees

Hey there, I’m Mohsin! As a second year Computing student, I have seen a great deal of what DocSoc has to offer. I also have more than a year’s worth of experience working in the software development industry. This has given me a great understanding of how to cater to both a sponsor and member’s needs. This is what I'll do as president: Extend DocSoc to be a networking platform for members, by h ...

Hashir Majeed

Hey everyone! 👋 I'm Hashir, a soon-to-be third-year JMC student, and I'm eager to run for DocSoc President with one key mission – putting YOU, the students, at the forefront. I want YOUR voices to drive the changes you want to see in DocSoc this year. Having organised events and hackathons on a regional, national, and international scale, I bring a wealth of experience to the table. What I will do: Merch ...

Oliver Killane

Hello DoCSoC member.While much brilliant progress has been made in improving DoCSoC over the past years, many basic needs of students have gone unaddressed. As your president, I believe by addressing these issues we can bring DoCSoC into a new golden age of department-friendly fun! I promise to: Work with the department to introduce 2 society owned lab cats. This will both benefit student mental health, and dete ...