Photo of Aditi Pandiri

Aditi Pandiri

Gazette: Treasurer

Hi, I'm Aditi, and I'd like to be the Gazette's Treasurer next year!

Having spent the last 2 years as Treasurer for this society, I've helped lift the Gazette out of debt and overseen its transition into the SU financially.

Despite being completely new to both the society and the role, I've really learnt the ins and outs of this responsibility, which included financing the printing & postage of 1000+ copies of the Gazette to both alumni & students.

The committee and I have collectively worked very hard to revive the Gazette over the last couple of years. However, the financials of this society are still undergoing many changes, and I would like to finish what I've started to ensure Gazette is adequately funded and supported in the future.

I promise I'm not trying to gatekeep this role - if anyone is truly pasisonate and eager to take this role, I will give the most detailed, fool-proof handover ever (please contact me at if you have any questions).

Otherwise, I'd love to see this role through! Thank you for your consideration <3