Photo of Tom Shepherd

Tom Shepherd

Boat: Treasurer


Through this manifesto, I will express my desire to serve as Treasurer with dedication and diligence, and why I believe I would be best suited to the role.

Experience: Work experiences at my uncle’s business have exposed me to the financials of commercial budgeting and expenditure management. Further to this, I have experience dealing with stakeholders and therefore feel I would be capable of communicating with the SU effectively.

Strategy: I am a very meticulous and time efficient person and thus I intend to keep up-to-date and detailed books to strategically allocate Club funds where needed, maximising return, as well as reporting effectively to the SU. I will collaborate closely with the Club Committee and Sponsorship Officer to try find ways to enhance the status and sustainability of the Club’s financials.

Student Experience: I believe that for a healthy Club student enjoyment is of most importance. Therefore, I intend to learn from the mistakes and successes of previous treasurers, and actively listen to concerns and feedback to enhance the Club’s financials and ensure a comfortable experience for members.

Thank you for reading my manifesto as I humbly ask for your support and trust in electing me as ICBC Treasurer for 2024/25.

Tom Sheps