Photo of Nathan Gillingham

Nathan Gillingham

Mathematics: Secretary
Hi Maths fans,

As MathSoc Secretary, I'm looking to revamp our weekly newsletter to make it more engaging and modern. Instead of the usual rundown, I want to add a fresh touch with visuals, quick highlights, and interactive elements. The goal is to make it not just informative but enjoyable to read, sparking renewed interest in our maths events. Let's reimagine our newsletter to be a dynamic space that keeps everyone in the loop and excited about the upcoming maths events, since the committee put a lot of effort into them.

I'm all about hands-on support at events. Whether it's setting up workshops, helping during seminars, or just being there at gatherings, count on me to be involved. More than logistics, I'm committed to creating a supportive space for everyone. I'm here to chat about ideas, or address any concerns. Being available and approachable is not just a promise; it's a fundamental part of ensuring every member feels connected and supported in our maths community.

I'm committed to inclusivity. Let's create a space where everyone feels welcome, regardless of background or experience. I'm here to ensure every voice matters and that our community is open and diverse.
Finally, a bit about me: I'm from Portsmouth(UK), really enjoy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in my spare time, and love a chicken-tikka.