Boat: Secretary


Loren Boles

Having rowed at Imperial for almost 3 years now, I like to think I have a decent idea of how things run. I also know that I like things to run smoothly. This is why I believe I am a good candidate for the role of Boat Club Secretary - I can combine my knowledge of the inner workings of ICBC with my love of things running smoothly when organising committee meetings, running mailing lists etc. Other skills I can bring ...

Kit Gordon-Brown

I am applying for secretary because I would like to contribute to the ICBC comittee and help in the organisation of the club. I'd aim to make race reports a larger part of events, gettting them up on social media so individual crews can benefit from past race experience and have another medium by which to discuss performances. I love being a part of ICBC and would like to be able to give something more to the squad, ...