Photo of Mi-Tra Tran

Mi-Tra Tran

Volleyball: Secretary (Internal)

Hi everyone, my name is Mi-Tra. I’ve been part of the club for 2 years now and absolutely love volleyball. I’d like to become internal secretary to help the club continue to be a space where people can discover volleyball, improve their skills and have fun.

I have previous experience as the secretary for Gazette, the medical school magazine. I hope to continue using the newsletter as an outlet to update everyone of the latest club news. An idea I have is to help connect the competitive and recreational teams more, such as by asking the advanced & mixed players to share their wealth of volleyball knowledge in a blog/vlog format, which I’m sure will be of huge benefit to the intermediate & recreational teams.

Additionally I’m happy to take on the welfare role too - I’ll happily listen to all your concerns, whether it be related to volleyball, life in general or anything else. We’ll have a little therapy sesh.

Thank you for reading, and I’d greatly appreciate your vote :)