Photo of Emma Schevernels

Emma Schevernels

Hockey: Social Secretary

We're Ben and Emma, the sluttiest freshers in ICHC (inspired by our parents Matthew Marsh and Izzy Carley). We've decided to take over the reigns from Will and Faith but are planning things even bigger and better (size does matter). Despite our tendencies to enjoy ourselves on a Wednesday night, we endeavor to complete (already have) the social sec tradition.

On a real note, just like we can handle our alcohol, we can handle our responsibilities. We’re both organised and excited to take on this role so will put in the time it takes to ensure everyone has a slugtastic time. We want to increase the integration between teams (fratinisation), by putting on events such as Curry Night, ‘Where’s Aamir?’, Boozy Bowling and joint team/club socials (dates).

With the large number of 4th years leaving us (RIP the fossils), we'll also host an incredible series of freshers events and the highly anticipated freshers tour to maintain club numbers.

We’ve decided to run together, because our chemistry was there from day one (sibling love), and hope that you are able to see that (you probably have).

We've never missed a social or game, and we hope your love for hockey is the same.

If you vote for us, socials will never be lame, as fun is the family name.

We end this masterpiece here, because we are friday union bound,

If you have any questions, we will be around.

Lots of hockey love,

Your future social no secs xx