Photo of Izmal Mohammed Farroukh

Izmal Mohammed Farroukh

Tennis: Men's 2nd captain


Tennis played a major part in shaping my first year at Imperial. I was motivated by the support my team gave in all the matches we played. Besides that, playing with and learning from my teammates has enhanced my tennis abilities and confidence. Therefore, I feel indebted to contribute to the development of the tennis team at Imperial.

Why me?

1. Passionate

  • In a testimonial by my coach for 7 years, I was labelled as the most hardworking player. My passion for tennis fuels my dedication to the team's success and motivates me to lead by example, both in training sessions and matches.

2. Leadership and Teamwork

  • In several national tournaments in Malaysia, I was the lead strategist for my state team. Ultimately, my state was the overall champion for three consecutive years. As Team Captain, I will foster a culture of inclusivity, respect, and support, where every team member feels valued and empowered to contribute their best. I plan to organise team-building activities during training sessions to strengthen our connections.

3. Representing Imperial

  • As Team Captain, I will proudly represent Imperial in intercollegiate competitions and tournaments. I will uphold the values of sportsmanship, integrity, and fair play, and strive to be a positive ambassador for our college both on and off the court.

End Note

I am committed to leading the M2 tennis team with passion and dedication. With your support, I am confident that together we can achieve our goals and create a memorable experience.