Photo of Jack Lee

Jack Lee

Space Society: Chair

Hi everyone, my name is Jack, and I am currently a 2nd year Mechanical Engineering student. I am running for the chair for the next academic year. Throughout the year as the treasurer of the ICSS, I have had the opportunity to grow my contribution in the society and I have learnt the importance of the chair position of the society; the organisation skills and responsibility to run the relevant projects, external talks and obtaining sponsorships is what largely makes up the position.

Through this opportunity, I have a couple of aims for the next academic year. Initially, I would like to increase the number of events hosted by the society, such as external talks and events such as the hackathon. The hackathon is an event which I aim to host next year. Additionally, I would also like to create an environment where members can interact and share experiences between projects. Whilst working on projects, members often do not have the opportunity to explore about what is happening in the other ICSS projects and the progresses they are making. I think that I would be able to lead as chair because I am already familiar with the society and the members of the committee and because I am enthusiastic about the space industry to be willing to devote a large portion of my time for this society.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out (