Medical Education: Treasurer


Rohan Boyapati

Hello Everyone! My name is Rohan Boyapati, and I am a second-year medical student. I have always been interested and involved in teaching. Whether it is my current experience as a BRS MEDED tutor or during my time as a Biology prefect, running revision sessions in 6th form, teaching has always been integrated into my life. Now, I would like to be involved in the intricacies of running this society. I would like to ...

Haider Nazerali

Hi all! I'm Haider, the current ICSMSU President. I'm putting myself forward for the role of MedEd Treasurer so that I can contribute and support the running of the commitee next year. Treasurer is a primarily logistical role and I have a very substantial amount of experience in the running of societies and society finance - having spent a full year working for the Union, in addition to more than 25 other roles i ...

Anthony Sim

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Anoushka Khot

Hello everyone, I'm Anoushka. We are at the time of the year when the whole student body gears up for upcoming exams and this is a crucial aspect for MedEd which takes the perspective of improving student success, satisfaction, progress and potential. As medical students, we are all familiar with the outstanding contribution of MedEd to their objective of making education as accessible and enjoyable as possible. It i ...

Hamzah Raza

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Hannah Seo

Hello everyone! My name is Hannah, a second year medic and I am excited to be running for MedEd's treasurer for next year. As this role seems to be quite heavily contended, here are some reasons why you should consider voting for me: Organisation - as an organised person with experience of being a personal secretary and planning events for large numbers of people from concerts to lecture series to retreats, I wo ...