Physics: Vice President


Fatiha Tabassum

Hi everyone, As your current Vice President of PhySoc, I am enjoying my role and would like to continue making the progress within the society in the upcoming year. My main object would be to make all the events organised by Physoc fun, supportive and inclusive. As your Vice President, I will: Organise social events (e.g. Boat party, Christmas dinner) and team building activities (e.g. physics family) to create a ...

Laith Mohajer

Hey! I am Laith Mohajer, a 3rd Year Student, running for Vice President within our Physics Society. My vision is simple; to transform our department into a vibrant, active community where fellowship and physical well-being are at the forefront. Community and Well-being: My primary goal is to foster a greater sense of community within our department. Sports have a unique way of breaking down barrie ...

Zijun Chen

Hello physicists, if I am elected as vice-president, I will strive to: 1. Organise more events that directly benefit all students in the department, including but not limited to free lunch. 2. Keep Physoc from bankrupt by finding more external sources of funding and always push for as much funding as possible from the department, the college, and the union. 3. Continue the fine traditions as established by previo ...

Adam Ulhaq

Hi, my name’s Adam and I’m a second year physics student. In my first year, Physoc was always something which I’d have to be reminded existed. This year, it has been far more active and I want to play a role in helping to accelerate Physoc's transformation into a society which is present in every faucet of student life. I think it's sad that its existence is only acknowledged when big events are bei ...