Photo of Ananya Sachdev

Ananya Sachdev

Hindu Society: Vice-President

I'm Ananya, and I would LOVE to be your vice president for next year!

This past year I've worked on commitee as Head of design & marketting, and events officer, which has given me a very good understanding of how the commitee functions. I have been part of organising the biggest garba and holi events till date at Imperial.

I also organised the first ever Imperial only Diwali event on campus, which ran smoothly with over 100 attendees this year.

Working with events has taught me to run events smoother, communicate with the union, suppliers and other members of the society. Having to juggle that with my other role as design head has given me a good idea of time management, and taught me more about promotional work.

I have been able to form meaningful relationships with other members of commitee, which I believe is useful as a vice president, and would use that to help commitee next year run smoother and better for you guys!! I would love to introduce more events, more sports and grow the society community, as your vice president.

Working with other societies like ICSM Charity Fashion Show, have given me experience in planning, teamwork and organisation, all of which I can use as vice president.

As an international student, I hold Hindu Society very close to my heart. I hope to bring that same warmth and love to all our new freshers and members in the coming year!!