Photo of Nicole Xu

Nicole Xu

Consultancy: Vice President: Finance (Treasurer)

Hi! I'm Nicole, a 2nd year Biomed student interested in pursuing consulting.

I would like to be your vice president for finance and develop a comprehensive finanical strategy that align with the society's goals. This ensures prudent financial management, budget allocation and resource optimisation to guarantee the best experience for you. I will exercise diligent oversight of the sociey's budget and monitor expenses to ensure finanical sustainability and responsible use of resources. In addition, I will seek out sponsorship opportunities, build relationships with other societies to secure funding and professional developmental programs. I think that it is important for STEM students at Imperial to know what career opportunities are offered to them, and I will do my best, leveraging my skills, to optimise funding and provide the best opportunities for you to kickstart your career in consulting. I have to conduct cost-benefit analyses for proposed projects and events to assess their financial viability, potential impact suited to your priorities as well as the society's.

I have an abundant amount of experience in finance. I have practised finanical mangement and accounting from fundarising for charities locally. I believe that my skillset will aid me in providing the best financial mangement within the consultancy field. VOTE FOR ME!