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Michael Chan Chan

PASS: Treasurer

Fellow students, I stand before you today as a candidate for the position of Treasurer. I believe that effective financial management is the foundation of a thriving community. If elected, I pledge to uphold the values of responsibility, transparency, and integrity in managing HKPASS's finances. Together, let us build a secure and prosperous future.

Financial Responsibility:
1. Budgetary Discipline: I will ensure that HKPASS's funds are managed with utmost care and responsibility. I will work diligently to create a well-structured budget, allocating resources wisely to maximize the benefits for all members.
2. Long-term Planning: I will develop comprehensive financial plans, taking into account both short-term goals and long-term sustainability. By forecasting potential risks and opportunities, we can make informed decisions that secure HKPASS's financial stability for years to come.

Transparency and Accountability:
1. Open Financial Reporting: I believe in complete transparency when it comes to financial matters. I will provide regular and accessible reports on HKPASS's financial health, ensuring that all members are aware of how their contributions are being utilized.

As your Treasurer, I will be dedicated to the management of our organization's finances, fostering transparency and accountability. Vote for me, and let us embark on this journey towards a prosperous future. Thank you for your trust and support.