Photo of Beth Cham

Beth Cham

Women in SET: Web Editor

Hey everyone! I'm Beth, a second-year EIE student, and I'd love to be the Web Editor for WSET.

I've really appreciated the numerous opportunities and events that WSET has held over the year, and would like to be able to contribute back. As the web editor, I'd like to be able to help spread information about events as much as possible so that everyone can make the most out of them. I also believe that a good website is key in attracting more members to join the society and I hope to support more women in SET :)

My goals regarding my role would be to:

  • Revive the website and keep it up to date. I'd like to make all the information regarding WSET easily accessible and collated in one place! I know it can sometimes be hard to keep track of all the events and opportunities just with the newsletter and social media, and I believe having the website would be useful to see the newest information and upcoming events at a glance.
  • Have a list of resources on the website. Apart from the events WSET plans, I want to create a page for resources that women in WSET would find useful - such as links to internships, scholarships and more.

As an EIE student, I've had some experience with web development and design and should (hopefully!!) be able to put that knowledge to use in creating a user-friendly website.

Thank you, and I hope you'll vote for me!