Photo of Jessica Utomo

Jessica Utomo

Women in SET: Web Editor

Hey everyone - I’m Jessica, a year 2 Biomedical Engineering student and I’ve nominated myself for WSET’s web editor position for the next academic year! Throughout my time here, WSET has consistently been active in holding really cool events sponsored by big companies, such as office tours and industry events - I’m interested in getting involved in WSET and the team responsible for everything behind the scenes to contribute to a better student experience for us, here at Imperial. I personally have experience both developing and managing websites, so I’d hope that’ll come in handy in improving and supporting WSET Society’s activities.

I’d love to contribute to creating a space for women in SET and ultimately establishing our place in an area where we might still be the minority. I’m really hoping to see you all next year and I’d much appreciate your support! :)

