Soup Run: Soup Run Treasurer


Ebee Lee

Hello everyone! My name is Ebee and I am a first year student studying Chemistry in Imperial. I think that Soup Run has been one of the most meaningful experiences I've had this school year as it was my first time being able to directly help those in need. I hope to be able to continue this fulfilling experience by becoming your next treasurer and providing more opportunities for students to aid our guests.

Elizabeth Tsang

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Adam Kassam

I, Adam Kassam, am excited to announce my candidacy for the treasurer position on the Soup Run committee. My experience in charitable work, coupled with my proficiency in financial management, make me well-suited for this role. Specifically, I have a track record of effectively recording and managing finances for charitable activities. Notably, during a six-week fundraising effort at school, I spearheaded our house' ...

Aidan Madge

Hi! I'm running for this since no one else was and I want the society to stay alive. If anyone else has run for the role please vote for them.