Photo of Jiwoo Shin

Jiwoo Shin

Neuroscience: Research project and Audit Co-ordinator

Hello everyone! My name is Jiwoo Shin and if any of you who attended this year’s MOTC art exhibition remember, I am the artist of the artwork with the astronaut and colourful neuron trees. (The background image of my photo!)

I enjoyed the IC Neuro Soc’s events very much this year so I am motivated to be a part of the society’s committee and ensure every new and continuing member of the society can gain meaningful experiences like I did. Being the founder of the Neuroscience Society and the leader of two other STEM societies throughout 4 years in high school, I have extensive experience leading academic events, building websites, and writing countless emails for reaching out to professors and submitting project proposals.

Through the organisation and communication skills I have gained through my leadership experiences, I will contribute to the IC Neuroscience Society as a Research Project and Audit Coordinator by:

  • Surveying the research interests of our members through an online form for committee members to plan future society events based on the members’ interests
  • Matching up members with similar research interests and creating a platform (e.g. Whatsapp, Notion workspace) for members to discuss potential research projects
  • Communicating neuroscience research opportunities with members monthly through email
  • Organising research workshop with Co-presidents: inviting neuroscience PhD students or researchers to introduce their research areas and advise research skills to our members.

Thank you so much for your time reading my manifesto and I would greatly appreciate every single vote from anyone!