Materials: Events Officer


Adele Morgan Delarboulas

Hey! Im Adele, a 2nd year materials student and hopefully your events officer next year! This year has been a fantastic year for MatSoc, with stronger social foundations and inter-year engagement, events have been exciting to attend and the community feel engaged. Lets continue that. Although social aspects of the society have been thoroughly improved, notibly the fantastic annual dinner and pub crawls and talks, ...

Eric Alcober Gelpi

Hello everyone, I'm Eric, and I'm excited to run for Events Officer. As your current Web Master, I've built our website from scratch, giving me firsthand experience in organizing and promoting our society's activities. Events are the heart of Matsoc, bringing us together and enriching our experiences. If elected, I'll bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to ensure every event, from our dinners to lectures, is memorable ...

Josephine Onerhime

Dear MatSoc family, Je suis Jojo, your previous RSM President and RSM Vice President of Activities & Events, vote for me if you wanna see MatSoc events go to the next level! Having run a full Freshers' fortnight of events including: a Freshers’ dinner of 130+ people, bar night, scavenger hunt, and bowling, I know all the ins and outs for making an unforgettable night- from hand selecting the best venues ...

Catherine Saat

Hey gang‼️‼️ Im Cat, but more importantly I am Maggies caretaker/mother/sibling or whatever you'd like to call it. 😔After being given the most important role in my life 😳 ( looking after 😍Maggie😍) (as well as being unexpectedly awarded the title of the best fresher, something i didn't know until a day after💯) I realise my duty towards MatSoc: being a social sec. Better yet, I am wellbeing rep for Y1, where the ...