Dermatology (ICSM): Alumni Officer


Damini Mahil

Hi, I'm Damini I'm currently in 2nd yr and I would love to be part of the next Derm comittee. I feel that many students have an interest in Dermatology as a specialty but have some diffciutly in engaging with the lectures; I hope to be part of a team that can help you guys understand the content better! I am also looking forward to planning and delivering events that will allow students meet specialists in the fie ...

Yoon Soo Park

Hello! My name is Yoon Soo, and I am a 5th year medic and the current president of Imperial Dermsoc! I have been part of the committee for 2 years now and have tried my best as president this year to further increase exposure to dermatology for medical students at Imperial. We have had our first ever Dermsoc London conference this year which had medical students from various universities coming to learn more about de ...