Psychiatry: PsychStart Lead


Simi Adewale

Hi, I’m Simi, a second year medic and I would love to be the Psychstart lead for the next academic year! The Psychstart programme has provide me the opportunity to pair up with a mentor who I’ve learnt and received advice from throughout my academia. I have full confidence I will continue to rely on such amazing support. I also had the invaluable opportunity to shadow her (in rehabilitative psychiatry) ...

Grace Hennessy

I ran the PsychStart scheme in the academic year of 2022 and found the experience to be incredibly rewarding. I'd love to make the most of our existing contacts and my placements in psychiatry to broaden the programme's network. As I ran the programme previously, all of the forms and timelines are ready to go, meaning that I can focus more on increasing the recruitment of students and psychiatrists.