Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Events and Social Officer


Sheshpriya Gadiya

Hello, I'm Priya, and I'm enthusiastic about taking on the role of Events and Social Officer for Obstetrics & Gynaecology. In this position, I'm dedicated to creating a lively and engaging environment for all members. Here's my vision: Diverse Event Portfolio: I'm committed to organizing a spectrum of events that cater to the varied interests of our members. From educational seminars and workshops to social ...

Kaaviya Thayalan

Hi, my name is Kaaviya! I am very interested in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and would love to be more involved with ICOGS. Attending the ICOGS Annual Conference last year, allowed me to further develop my interest in this field, by hearing from accomplished speakers, and participating in workshops, which included hands-on training in episiotomy techniques and laparoscopic procedures. As the current treasurer for I ...