Photo of Shiromi Patrick

Shiromi Patrick

Geriatrics and Elderly Medicine: Chair

Hi my name is Shiromi and I am currently a third year medical student. I am currently the treasurer of geriatrics and elderly medicine society and I am applying to be chair for the society for this upcoming year.

In terms of my ideas for this society, it would be to make this society active again. I want to do online talks, possibly a series and give attendees certificates of attendance, to increase the interest and uptake within this society. Since GEMS is such a complex part of medicine, there are so many people who have to be involved in the care of these patients, so speakers can be from various healthcare professionals. We can also do talks to students, in various year groups, about what to expect from a geriatrics/elderly care hospital placement, since many students may not know much about it/have preconceptions so this would be a good way to encourage students into this field.

I am also a highly organised and reliable person, having been the schools liaison officer for Teddy Bear Hospital, where I have had to organise visits and liaise with schools on a regular basis. I have held multiple other roles in other societies such as treasurer for multiple societies, early years rep in GP society and conference subcommittees, therefore I am able to manage my time well. I have been in many societies and work with a wide variety of people, so I believe I will be able to lead a team well.